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제목 [유럽] MEDDEV 2.5 의료기기 적합성평가절차에 대한 가이던스
저자 발행일  
내용 Quality assurance.

Regulatory auditing of quality systems of medical device manufacturers

(See document in the GHTF-global harmonization task force)


MEDDEV 2.5/3 rev.2 Subcontracting quality systems related

June 1998

MEDDEV 2.5/5 rev.3 Translation procedure

February 1998

MEDDEV 2.5/6 rev.1 Homogenous batches (verification of manufacturers' products)

February 1998

MEDDEV 2.5/7 rev.1 Conformity assessment of breast implants

July 1998

MEDDEV 2.5/9 rev.1 Evaluation of medical devices incorporating products containing natural rubber latex

February 2004

MEDDEV 2.5/10 Guideline for authorised representatives

January 2012
MEDDEV 2.5_10 Guideline for authorised representatives.pdf
MEDDEV 2.5_9 Evaluation of medical devices incorporating products containing natural rubber latex.pdf
MEDDEV 2.5_7 Conformity assessment of breast implants.pdf
MEDDEV 2.5_6 Homogenous batches (verification of manufacturers' products).pdf
MEDDEV 2.5_5 Translation procedure.pdf
MEDDEV 2.5_3 Subcontracting quality systems related.pdf

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